The winter of 1998 has come. My sister left to Israel. Our computer crashed down twice. After the first crash I rescued very few of the old samples taken during the previous year, and decided to move on to SoundForge, using the technique that I've already developed. This way I've made a few tracks and even managed to burn them on CD, before the computer crashed again. This time I decided to try this new software by the same company behind SoundForge. It was called "Acid", it allowed simple multi-track loop-based production and ever since it remained my working environment of choice.
Back from SPb I was going through major changes in my social life: After disappointment with people at HaShomer HaTsair club in Minsk, I was looking for something different. So with the new youth club under Israel Cultural Center I found some better place to be. Many of my friends from school were involved, including my very close friend and musical collaborator - Kirill. This way I've also met many people behind various youth organizations in town. One of these people was Rodion - one of the two most famous playboys in young Jewish community. He was a rapper, so I couldn't expect him to have something like this. He brought me the desirable tape with both - album and an EP by the DHR newcomer - Bomb 20.
This tune was my essence of Digital Hardcore. Now I knew that this is the kind of music that I'd like to try to do myself.
A year later, this cassette and Atari Teenage Riot albums would help me survive my painful involvement with Israeli educational system.
Back from SPb I was going through major changes in my social life: After disappointment with people at HaShomer HaTsair club in Minsk, I was looking for something different. So with the new youth club under Israel Cultural Center I found some better place to be. Many of my friends from school were involved, including my very close friend and musical collaborator - Kirill. This way I've also met many people behind various youth organizations in town. One of these people was Rodion - one of the two most famous playboys in young Jewish community. He was a rapper, so I couldn't expect him to have something like this. He brought me the desirable tape with both - album and an EP by the DHR newcomer - Bomb 20.
This tune was my essence of Digital Hardcore. Now I knew that this is the kind of music that I'd like to try to do myself.
A year later, this cassette and Atari Teenage Riot albums would help me survive my painful involvement with Israeli educational system.
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