Thursday, 1 November 2012

Aviatsiya I Arilleriya

It didn't happen suddenly, but by stages: First, I had a strange fever, when I was writing my pre-exam in Belorussian. After staying at home for about a week I came back to school and the excitement about the spring and meeting all the friends was so high, that I didn't think about the allergic consequences of putting wreath of dandelions on my neck. In a few days the nightmare had begun. I didn't know what exactly was happening to my body, but I was feeling worse and worse. Soon I was sent to hospital and after 3 nights in half-delirious state, the verdict was finally stated - glomerulonephritis: my immune system was killing my kidney cells as if they were viruses. Long, heavy and devastating treatment has started.

Parents brought me the small radio-tape that I sometimes used to record stuff and a few cassettes. In the middle of one of the nights I tuned in to the frequency that was promising to become the new radio-station soon - 106.4 FM... and there, in the quiet, I heard this song from the forthcoming Tequilajazzz album, playing as a broadcasting test for the radio-wave that very soon will become my new source of great music...

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