Friday, 2 November 2012


The devastating 3 months in hospital were over, in the middle of this period I was allowed to come out to the middle school graduation ceremony. I didn't know yet, that this will be my last day at school in Minsk. Doctors prescribed me a year course of immune depressant medicine, and this didn't allow me to be in the class daily. At the same moment doctor's advise was to move to the hotter and dryer area in order to recover. And so the decision was made - we started preparing for aliyah.

At the same time there was a great good thing happening: The new radio-station "Radio Styl" ("Radio Style") was broadcasting from 16:00 till 2:00 every day, with a lot of brand new music. Everyone had mixed up feelings about it: on one hand, since it was aimed at a young auditory, there were only young broadcasters and the accent was made on the music that appeals to the young: alternative rock, hip hop, electronica and other trendy stuff; on the other hand, this station was curated by the Belorussian Youth Union, which was a state youth organization, which was often called "Luka Jugend". Many of the same youngsters that loved alternative music, didn't appreciate the Luksahenko's rising dictatorship too much.

However, many of us hip kids were tuning to 101.2 FM almost daily for the new portion of fresh music from abroad. I still have about 10 tapes of songs recorded from there, but the first amazing discovery was this funny tune, that became the first real hit at the station. People were calling to request this tune almost DAILY!

I think this was nearly the only radio-station in the world that made this tune a number one hit.

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