Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Public Enemy

Ok, ironically, I was involved in some conversation yesterday and today, that has some tiny connection to today's tune.

I'm afraid that all the previous tunes made a strong impression on you, that I was a music head since birth and all my favorite toys were records and piano. It wasn't exactly so. I was a little, thin, often sick kid, that was dreaming about becoming a... general. Yes-yes! I was making my own cardboard soldiers, trying to build an army as big, as Alexander the Great's. I was reading books about the masters of war strategy and historical battles, and assembling plane models. In 1994 music was still not at the centre of my universe.

However, going to Jewish school on the other side of town and combining it with music school studies (3 piano lessons, 1 solfege class and 1 music literature class - every week), left me almost no time to hang out in the street. My social life was mostly at school, and further - inside the Jewish community. I don't know what does this all have to do with today's tune, but I guess, we'll find out later.

So, this was my first favorite rap tune and the beat was my first introduction to funk. No, rap music didn't immediately become my daily diet, because I pretty much hated most of the stuff in top charts. But this was the seed that grew up into a huge tree 4-5 years later.

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