Saturday, 6 October 2012


And, of course, it's (almost) impossible to be a teenager in the 90's without watching "Trainspotting". In my case, I knew the soundtrack by heart long before I saw the movie itself (which was already closer to 1998).

I'd say that my relation to drugs was very much defined by the book that my sister bought me, when she came back from Israel. It's called, obviously, "Drugs and Poisons". You know how it goes: "read this, so that you won't have to make my mistakes"... Actually, I've never reached the second part of the book, that was dedicated to poisons. My interest in knowledge about drugs was so high, that I'd read the first half a few times, giving most attention to the chapter, dedicated to psychedelics.

The "Trainspotting" soundtrack arrived in my hands right about time, when I discovered the wondrous world of electronica. And the title tune by Primal Scream was just a perfect fit for me. I remember long evening in my room, doing homework or just drawing, and listening to this tune over and over again. Rewinding to the beginning each time it was over.

Honestly, I was pretty much disappointed, when I discovered in which scene it's playing. Such a deep, trippy and aquatic tune, in my opinion, wasn't used wisely. But on the other hand, there's just no scene in the movie that could fit it well enough.

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